Monday, May 4, 2009


The highlight of an otherwise gloomy, rainy Sunday, was the last class of the Spring 09 Season. The heat of the ovens warmed us all as we worked on cupcake masterpieces! Can't wait to start dreaming up the new fall projects...

Here is the basic buttercream recipe used in class...

7 fluid ounces egg whites
14 ounces sugar
1 1/2 pounds unsalted butter

Combine sugar and egg whites in the bowl of a stand mixer. Heat over a double boiler, stirring constantly until very hot to the touch and all sugar has dissolved.

-Put bowl on the mixer with the whisk attachment. Whip whites until stiff peaks have formed.

-Change to the paddle and add butter, in small pieces, waiting for one to beat in before adding the other. Once all butter is added, beat an extra 10 minutes for smoothness.

** You can flavor this anyway you like using:
citrus curd
reduced fruit purees
or anything you can think of!

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